trying to 'catch-up' on what transpired over the internet during my grandson's
recent visit; the following thread posted by Ken Temple on the Beggars All blog
caught my attention:
the written portion of the post, Ken penned:
I agree with
everything these gentleman said on the issues of doctrine and the problems with
the Elephant Room 2
. . . except for one small side comment that Carl Trueman made that I think is
important for Christians to understand.
Ken then
expounds on the "one small comment", stating:
When talking
about the Christians at the Council of Nicea in 325 AD, Professor Trueman said
they were Turks. [around the 31 minute mark] Professor Trueman was right that
the men at the Council of Nicea were not "white men", but they were
not Turkish either. They were Greeks and Egyptians and Syrians (The Syrians
before the Arabs conquered them in the 600s AD.) That is an amazing mistake by
a church history professor, in my opinion. They were mostly Greeks, Syrians, 2
Latins from Rome, and Egyptians (Athanasius, for one) and others from around
the Roman Empire. The Turks did not live in what is today called Turkey at the
time of the Council of Nicea. The Turks (Seljuk and Ottomans) did not come to
that land until before the Crusades (1071 AD) and they did not completely conquer
the area known as Anatolia and Constantinople until 1453 AD. No Turks lived in
these areas in the New Testament days nor in early church history until the
900s AD!
Apart from
some particulars concerning the ethnic and geographical background of some of the
bishops that attended "the Council of Nicea in 325 AD", Ken has been
pretty accurate in his above assessment, though he appears to be unaware of some
background information that seems to qualify Carl's remark in the video (see THIS
LINK for Carl's article, "Gnosticism, Nicea and
But, this
post is not about going to focus on the ethnic and geographical background of
the bishops that attended the Council of Nicea in 325 AD, rather, it will build upon, "everything
these gentleman said on the issues of doctrine", which Ken stated that
he "agree[s] with".
Mike Abendroth, the host of the program that Ken linked to, near the beginning
of the NCE-E1 video, states:
is a 'kook and a Barney'? Well 'kooks and Barneys' are people who try to surf
with experts, and they'll try to paddle in, out in the water, and they just get
in the way of the surfers'; and they
are known by the locals as 'kooks and Barneys'—they're in over their head,
they're playing in the deep water. So I would like to offer a 'kooks and
Barneys award'; and so, today, we are going to offer that award, not to a
particular person, but to a group of people, and would be the organizers of The
Elephant Room. (2:40 ff.)
I am going to 'play-on' Mike's theme of 'kooks and Barneys' a bit, for I think
it will become apparent that at least one of the members of the panel of
'experts' in the video is probably "over their head", "playing
in deep water"...
the NCE-E1 video, at approximately the 6:20ff mark, James White said:
really think what we're dealing with here—uhh um, and this, this may be more
in, uhh, in, in the good Doctor Trueman's area to comment on—but, as, as I have
had the opportunity to teach Church history in the past, and also joining to
that working as an apologist, it seems to me that at different periods in
Church history, the clarity that we gain on particular topics is due to the
struggles that the Church is facing...
And a bit later at 7:14
the early Church, as was mentioned before, the difference between homoousios
and homoiousios is, is a HUGE gap, but it is only one letter...
that an accurate statement? Note what St. Athansius, the great defender of the
Nicene Creed and Trinitarianism, had to say:
Those who deny the Council altogether, are sufficiently exposed by these brief remarks ; those, however, who accept everything else that was defined at Nicaea, and doubt only about the Coessential [homoousios], must not be treated as enemies ; nor do we here attack them as Ariomaniacs, nor as opponents of the Fathers, but we discuss the matter with them as brothers with brothers, who mean what we
mean, and dispute about one word. For, confessing that the Son is from the essence of the Father, and not from other subsistence, and that He is not a creature nor work, but His genuine and natural offspring, and that He is eternally with the Father as being His Word and Wisdom, they are not far from accepting even the phrase, 'Coessential' [homoousios]...But since they say that He is 'of the essence' and 'Like-in-essence,' [homoiousios] what do they signify by these but 'Coessential?' [homoousios] (De Synodis - Councils of Arminum and Seleucia), 41 - NPNF 4.472.)
A "HUGE gap" in
the early Church ???; I, and St. Athansius, think not.
A bit later, Mike reads
off the questions that Mark Driscoll presented to T. D. Jakes, all of which
Jakes' answered in the affirmative. James White then jumps in with:
But before that, before
those questions, Jakes had provided the absolutely necessary redefinition from
a non-Trinitarian modalistic perspective, which was when asked initially about
the existence of three divine persons, his response was, 'I can go there, but
that's not my favorite way of saying it; that doesn't do it for me'. Well when
someone starts talking about the ancient creeds of the Church and says, 'that
doesn't do it for me, I want to know why. And when you go back into his
teaching before this, he is consistently used the language of manifestations,
he has said that there is one God, but different manifestation, going to a
major textual variant in 1 Timothy 3:16 where, uhh, God was manifect in the
flesh—even though the earliest reading, the manuscripts, He was manifest in the
flesh—but leaving that to, to, uhh, to the side, Oneness Pentecostals, Jesus
only Pentecostals, uhh, teach that Jesus was literally two persons...
James White does not know what
he is talking about here, Oneness Pentecostals DO NOT teach, "that Jesus
was literally two persons".
From the United
Pentecostal Church International website (the largest Oneness Pentecostal
denomination) we read:
The Oneness of God
God is absolutely and indivisibly one (Deuteronomy
6:4; Galatians 3:20). In Jesus dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily
(Colossians 2:9). He is the self-revelation of the one God, the incarnation of
the full, undivided Godhead (John 20:28; I Timothy 3:16).
God has revealed Himself as Father (in parental
relationship to humanity), in the Son (in human flesh), and as the Holy Spirit
(in spiritual action). (See Deuteronomy 32:6 and Isaiah 63:16; Luke 1:35 and
Galatians 4:4; Genesis 1:2 and Acts 1:8.) The one God existed as Father, Word,
and Spirit before His incarnation as Jesus Christ, the Son of God; and while
Jesus walked on earth as God Himself incarnate, the Spirit of God continued to
be omnipresent. However, the Bible does not teach that there are three distinct
centers of consciousness in the Godhead or that Jesus is one of three divine
Jesus is true
God and true man as one divine-human person. We can distinguish these
two aspects of Christ’s identity, but we cannot separate them. The Incarnation
joined the fullness of deity to complete humanity. (Link
- bold emphasis mine.)
And yet, Oneness
Pentecostals insist, Jesus was only one person. If he appears to be more
than that, if the Father and Son appear to be more than distinct
"natures" and rather appear in the Gospels as actual distinct
"persons," this can only be an illusion assumed for the sake
of revelation. (Page 35.)
James White not only
misrepresents the Oneness Pentecostals, he also misrepresents the modalism
that existed in the early Church:
So the prayers of
Jesus—this is not technically, exactly like what Sabellius had it; there were
different forms of dynamic monarchianism, and things like that in ancient
Church history...(12:46 ff.)
Sabellius DID NOT teach
any of the "different forms of dynamic monarchianism, and things like that
in ancient Church history"; fact is, Sabellius was a modalist monarchian.
(FYI: Oneness Pentecostals ARE NOT dynamic monarchians, they are modalistic
Much more to cover, but
it will have to wait until part 2.
Grace and peace,