Saturday, May 11, 2013

The current issue of Credo: "The Trinity & the Christian Life"

I was going to work on the second installment of my review of What Every Christian Needs To Know About The Qur'an today, but during some online browsing this morning, I found out that a new issue of Credo was recently published (April 2013 - LINK), and it's major theme is on the doctrine of the Trinity.

Much to my surprise, one of the featured articles is an interview with Dr. Stephen R. Holmes (pp. 48-51), the author the book, The Quest for the Trinity; a book I reviewed and recommended here at AF back on March 28, 2013 (LINK).

In addition to the Dr. Holmes' interview, I found the article, "The Mystery of the Trinity" (pp. 26-33), by Scott R. Swain, to be of some value, particularly his reflections on "Eternal Generation" (a doctrine denied by a number of Evangelical theologians - see THIS THEAD).

Though I cannot endorse all of the content of this issue of Credo, I still think it is worth one's time to read, and would be interested in the thoughts of those who have taken the time to do so.


Grace and peace,


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