Friday, August 17, 2012

I am a bit embarrassed to admit...

OK, perhaps "embarrassed" is hyperbolic, but I am somewhat surprised that I 'missed' the publication of the following three documents (which I 'discovered' via the reading of Benedict XVI's April 20th, 2012 full message - LINK):

Verbum Domini (Benedict XVI's 2008 Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation) - HTML version; PDF version

Instrumentum Laboris (The Word of God In The Life And Mission Of The Church) - HTML version; PDF version

Lineamenta (The Word of God In The Life And Mission Of The Church) - HTML version; PDF version

So far, I have only 'skimmed' through these lengthy documents, but hope to engage in a more thorough reading this weekend, the Lord willing. May have a post(s) on these in the future...

Grace and peace,


1 comment:

Drake Shelton said...


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A suggestion: I have our stuff on the trinity somewhat organized out here on this page:

I was planning on writing a book on this issue but I figured I would be quoting you enough for you to be a co-author on this to avoid too much reference to your works.

I have ministers in china reading and publicly espousing our understanding of these things, other american ministers espousing them secretly and I have had requests that I write out a book on this issue. What do you say?
