Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Inerrancy and the Bible: a recent panel discussion by members of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

The current president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (Albert Mohler online bio), with four other faculty members, recently held a panel discussion on the inerrancy of the Bible. The full discussion can be viewed via the following imbedded video (link to original video site):

I am going to refrain from commenting on this discussion for the moment, and instead, link to an Evangelical assessment of it:

Dr. Enns in his review lists some 34 points that were made by the panelists, and briefly shares his reflections on each of those points.

A lot to digest—looking forward to the thoughts of those who are interested in this important issue.

Grace and peace,



  1. These guys represent a significant reason as to what is fundamentally wrong with American evangelicalism. We don't have these kinds of discussions in other parts of the world. And no, it's not just because we are weak liberal secualarists.

  2. Hi simmmo,

    In the following thread, I link to a book that I think might interest you:

    The Failure of the American Baptist Culture

    Grace and peace,

