The opening
title of this thread suggests to the reader that the following bibliography of
Irenaeus will be a 'modest' one. By 'modest', I do not intend to imply that it
will not be in a real sense comprehensive, but rather, that it will have
certain limitations. The first limitation will be that other than editions of
Irenaeus' writings in Greek and Latin, the rest of the bibliography will list only
works in English (whether original or translations). Second, the bibliography
will mainly focus on works that I myself have actual read (but not exclusively
so). And third, there will be an emphasis on works that most readers will be able
to obtain (with 'reasonable' ease) online, by purchase and/or through
libraries. All this means, of course, that there will be a number of works not
included in this bibliography—however, I am more than willing to add to the
list suggestions made by readers in the combox. As for the "online
resources", it will be a select list of websites on Irenaeus that have not
been referenced in the bibliography.
The works of Irenaeus
Detection and Overthrow of the So Called but
False Knowledge (Detectionis et Eversionis Falso
Cognominatæ Agnitionis) - commonly referred to as Against
Heresies (Adversus Haereses)
Greek and
Latin editions -
Massuet, R.,
the Benedictine edition, Paris, 1710; reprinted in, J. P. Migne's Patrologia Graeca, vol.
VII, Paris 1857
W. W., Cambridge, 1857, Sancti Irenaei Episcopi Lugdunensis, tomus I;
Sancti Irenaei Episcopi Lugdunensis, tomus II
[Note: I have excluded the Sources Chrétiennes critical edition (9 volumes) due to the lack of online access and high cost.]
A., Leipzig, 1848-1853, Sancti Irenaei Episcopi Lugdunensis, tomus I; Sancti Irenaei Episcopi Lugdunensis, tomus II
[Note: I have excluded the Sources Chrétiennes critical edition (9 volumes) due to the lack of online access and high cost.]
translations (full) -
A. and Rambaut, W. H., Edinburgh, 1868/1869, Ante-Nicene
Christian Library, vol. 5; Ante-Nicene
Christian Library, vol. 9; (American
edition, vol. 1)
J., London, 1872, Five
Books of S. Irenaeus
translations (partial) -
and Unger, New York, 2012,
St. Irenaeus of Lyons Against the Heresies, vol. 3 (Volume 64 of
the Ancient Christian Writers series)
and Dillon, New York, 2012,
St. Irenaeus of Lyons Against the Heresies, vol. 2 (Volume 65 of the
Ancient Christian Writers series)
Robert M., London, 1997, Irenaeus
of Lyons
and Dillon, New York, 1992, St.
Irenaeus of Lyons Against the Heresies, vol. 1 (Volume 55 of the Ancient
Christian Writers series)
Balthasar, Hans Urs, San Francisco, 1981, The
Scandal of the Incarnation
Cyril C. New York, 1970, Early
Christian Fathers (pp. 343-354)
F. R. M., London, 1916, The
Treatise of Irenæus of Lugdunum Against the Heresies, vol. 1;
Treatise of Irenæus of Lugdunum Against the Heresies, vol. 2
Henry, Oxford, 1875, The Third Book of St. Irenaeus Against Heresies
The Demonstration of the Apostolic Preaching
translations -
J., Crestwood, 1997, On
the Apostolic Preaching
J. P., New York, 1952, Proof
of the Apostolic Preaching (Volume 16 of the Ancient Christian
Writers series)
J.A., London, 1920, The
Demonstration of the Apostolic Preaching
and Wilson, The
Proof of the Apostolic Preaching (pp. 653-731 - Includes the
Armenian text with full English trans.)
Greek and
Latin editions -
Massuet, R.,
the Benedictine edition, Paris, 1710; reprinted in, J. P. Migne's Patrologia Graeca, vol.
VII, Paris 1857,
pp. 1225-1263
translations -
A. and Rambaut, W. H., Edinburgh, 1868/1869, Ante-Nicene
Christian Library, vol. 9, pp. 158-187; (American
edition, vol. 1, pp. 568-578)
Hitchcock, F. R. Montgomery, Cambridge, 1914, Irenaeus of Lugdumum - A Study of His Teaching
Major treatments on Irenaeus and his theology (listed from
the earliest to the latest)
James, London, 1841, An
Account of the Life and Writings of s. Irenæus
Hitchcock, F. R. Montgomery, Cambridge, 1914, Irenaeus of Lugdumum - A Study of His Teaching
Gustaf, German edition, 1947, English translation, 1959, Man
and the Incarnation
John, London, 1948, (Eugene, 2006, reprint) The
Biblical Theology of Irenaeus
Mary Ann, Collegeville, 1997, One
Right Reading?
Eric, Cambridge, 2001, Irenaeus
Of Lyons
Iain M., England, 2002, Irenaeus's Demonstration of the Apostolic Preaching - A
theological commentary and translation
Benjamin, Durham , 2010, Christosis:
Pauline Soteriology in Light of Deification in Irenaeus and Cyril of Alexandria
Jackson, Milwaukee, 2011, The
Trinitarian Theology of Irenaeus of Lyons
Articles/entries in Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, Patrology
handbooks and select Histories (listed
from the earliest to the latest)
William and Wace, Henry, A
Dictionary of Christian Biography, Literature, Sects and Doctrines, Volume
III (Published in 4 volumes between 1877-1887; Irenaeus article in
3rd vol., 1882, pp. 253-279 - R. A. Lipsius)
John and Strong, James, Cyclopædia
of Biblical, Theological, and Ecclesiastical Literature, Volume
IV (Published in 12 volumes between 1867-1887; Irenaeus article in
4th vol., 1883, pp. 647-653 - J. J.
Philip, New York, fifth edition, revised, 1889 (1914 reprint), History
of the Christian Church- Volume II: Ante-Nicene Christianity (pp.
Otto, English translation, 1908, Patrology -
The Lives and Works of the Fathers of the Church (pp. 118-123.)
Schaff and Jackson, 1910, The
New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religous Knowledge (Published
in 13 volumes, Irenaeus article in 6th vol., pp. 28-31 - T. Zahn.)
Joseph, 1st French edition 1904?, English translation, 1910, History
of Dogmas, Volume I (pp. 228-240.)
William, Smith, William and Wace, Henry, 1911, A Dictionary of Christian Biography and Literature to the end of the sixth century A.D. (a
one volume abridgment of the 4 vol. set, pp. 520-535)
Joseph, first English edition, 1920, second English edition, 1923, A
Handbook of Patrology (pp. 77-80)
Arthur Cushman, New York & London, 1932, A
History of Christian Thought - Volume I: Early and Eastern (pp.
Johannes, Holland, 1950, Patrology
- The Beginnings of Patristic Literature, Volume I (pp. 287-313.)
Everett, New York & London, first edition, 1990, Encyclopedia
of Early Christianity (pp. 471-473 - Mary T. Clark.)
Berardino, Angelo, English edition, Oxford, 1992,
Encyclopedia of the Early Church, Volume I (pp. 413-416 -
A. Orbe.)
this thread is a work in progress and will be updated over the next few days as
time allows—the Lord willing.]
and peace,
UPDATE (08-12-23) - The following site has a comprehensive bibliography and list of articles on Irenaeus:
Looking forward to that eternal generation blog from you. Btw, what was that verse we talked about that mentioned emanation?
Hi Drake,
A new thread on eternal generation has been postponed for awhile due to my Irenaeus series. There has been a lot of misinformed online chatter of late concerning Irenaeus that I am going to address in the series, but the first few posts of the series are foundational in nature, allowing me to build upon 'solid rock', rather than 'sifting sand'...
The emanation verse is Hebrews 1:3.
Grace and peace,
You may be interested in a recent post of mine.
Hi Drake,
Thanks for the heads-up...will take a break from my Irenaeus research, and head over there right now.
Grace and peace,
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